En gros ce qui se passe dans ma petite vie. Pas super passionnant, mais si vous voulez vous plaindre, dites le à Ptit Nico, c'est lui qui m'a dit que ce serait bien un blog quand je serai en Ecosse... ;-)

samedi 29 juillet 2006

New exclusive interview of Paul!

OK, let's be honest: I'm over-excited right now!! i've just read an interview of Paul, given during the shooting of episode 3 of Season 3 "Irresistible" (which hopefully i'll watch tomorrow!). The guy is just great! i laugh like a madwoman!! really! i just took care not to ridiculously giggle too loud... For my parents are downstairs and already think i'm the weirdest person on earth... Wouldn't give them any reason to lock me up in lunatic hospital! ;-)
The link to the interview on Gateworld : http://www.gateworld.net/articles/interviews/mcgillionmomoa01.shtml You can even listen to him!! A real treat!
Now, i can't wait to watch "Irresistible" and "Sateda" (even though i'm not a great fan of Ronon)... The guys know how to sell their work! They're just fantastic!

Why does the French version of Atlantis sound so unbelievable? If only our national TV channels could choose to broadcast shows in their original version, I would have been addicted to SGA long ago... Hopefully David's genius in "Duet" goes through the language barriers and saved me!! ;-)


Blogger C. Suize said...

Thanks for the link! The interview is just great... just sounds like Paul! :)
And yeah... the French voices of Atlantis characters do suck. I guess we have to thank David and his incredible acting skills for having us addicted to SGA!!!

7/30/2006 11:41 AM


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