En gros ce qui se passe dans ma petite vie. Pas super passionnant, mais si vous voulez vous plaindre, dites le à Ptit Nico, c'est lui qui m'a dit que ce serait bien un blog quand je serai en Ecosse... ;-)

dimanche 30 juillet 2006

Dernier post pour aujourd'hui

Alors je conclus aujourd'hui par ce petit post:
On pourra fêter la victoire de Schumi ce soir, en plus de cette nouvelle année qui commence!! J'espère que j'arriverai à tenir mon petit verre de champagne, quand même...

Au fait, les amis, si vous voulez laisser des commentaires ou faire des propositions (même du style: "Flo, t'es gentille mais calme toi un peu avec tes commentaires sur les photos de ces deux gars trop vieux et laids! On sait que t'es une gérontophile finie mais quand même... Sors un peu! Y doit bien y avoir des jeunes de ton âge, pas trop mal foutus..."), HESITEZ PAS! J'accepte les messages en English, Français, Portugais, Italien... Allemand? OK, je ferai un effort pour les remarques en allemand...

Pour finir, juste un petit mot sur l'actualité. I've heard today that bombings were killing more and more people in Lebanon. It really disgusts me to think people are still murdering one another for no understandable reason. With all the history our planet already has on wars of all kind, we should know better. I cannot understand how killing civilians can be any good for another nation. Really... I must be completely insane not to grasp such concepts, but if being sane means understanding such horrors, i'd definitely rather be nuts for good than accept that. Sorry to put some sadness to my usually delusional and hysterical posts.

I think i need to have some way to release the tension our environment puts on us and if, for that purpose, i appear to be the most ridiculous fangirl, i'm proud of it. I've read some posts on other blogs that asserted fangirls were a nuisance for blogs such as "A Dog's Breakfast"'s; I'm very glad to be a fangirl because at least, my heart is unstained by hatred or rage and i believe i'm a very tolerant person. If people can get to dislike other people for their 'fangirl-ish' behaviour, no wonder there are still wars out there... Thank you for reading! I'll try to get to my usual over-excited mood again as soon as possible (let's hope the despair of today will soon be overcome!)


Blogger C. Suize said...

Oh oui.... faut pas oublier: Bon Anniversaire la môman de Flo!!! Quand à toi la miss, pas trop de champagne! ;)

Honestly, I definitely think it's better to have something you really love instead of something you really hate! I agree that it's sometimes annoying when fans in general - and not only girls - get too hysterical about something. But as long as it's nowhere close to hysteria, there shouldn't be any problem!
So, Flo, keep being the way you are and writing the way you do because you're very funny and only true to yourself! :)

7/30/2006 8:47 PM


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