En gros ce qui se passe dans ma petite vie. Pas super passionnant, mais si vous voulez vous plaindre, dites le à Ptit Nico, c'est lui qui m'a dit que ce serait bien un blog quand je serai en Ecosse... ;-)

mardi 1 août 2006

Some more teasing for you, Cindy!


I've forgotten something about "Irresistible"... Cindy, please, take note: when we'll watch the episode Sunday, hopefully; remember to focus a lot when Lucius comes to the infirmary. Imagine Carson instead of Lucius! And when you get to that point, just try to remember our fanfic and the moment when Carson is in the infirmary and Rodrod comes to visit him... "Tea. Coffee" etc Then, I want you to admit I'm just the perfect female copy of McKay (OK, except for the genius and the arrogance)...

Remember that! If you don't, I'll remind you! Don't worry!! ;-)