En gros ce qui se passe dans ma petite vie. Pas super passionnant, mais si vous voulez vous plaindre, dites le à Ptit Nico, c'est lui qui m'a dit que ce serait bien un blog quand je serai en Ecosse... ;-)

jeudi 31 août 2006

The Hunting party (The Dead Zone)

just watched the season finale and it was sooooo wonderful!! i love the conspiracy thing (yeah, i'm still a fan of the XFiles, remember?). i like the whole plot of giving drugs to a guy to make him appear as the murderer of the vice president and get him killed... and of course, letting someone know, but someone who can't tell anyone because he hasn't got any proof!! one word: WOW!! i'm so excited about the whole thing, i'll get completely crazy before the next season is aired!! OK, i'll have to wait till next July, so i'll probably be less excited by then (even though i'll watch it as eagerly as the previous ones!)... i'd really like to know what this Janus is up to and what role Stillson and Smith will play in the great plot against humanity... hum... i'd probably should go to bed! bye! ;-)

mercredi 30 août 2006

a funny thing i forgot

saturday, i was alone at the workroom (one new word!! woohoo!!) because my mum and dad had gone to a wedding. i was working and a guy came in to have his trousers hemmed (2nd new word!!). the guy was quite funny and a bit weird, just the kind of guy i like actually (i must be weird to be so interested by weird guys...). i told him to go the fitting room. and then, guess what he asked me... you don't have any idea? well, as if it was something very common he asked me 'do i get stark naked?'. i couldn't help laughing like i was mad!! the moment was pure magic; i felt i had gone to the twilight zone or something! ;-) so, to finish the story, i told him not to, of course! and just to change his trousers...

really funny guy! sorry it's his girlfriend that'll come fetch the trousers... i could do with a good laugh right now!

lundi 28 août 2006

Feeling like...

don't know what to do right now, so i feel like i could post something...

having nothing to do this afternoon i did what i love most, that is lying on the sofa and watching stupid things on tv... and this afternoon on M6, 'Celeste in the city' was broadcast. nothing great but kind of light and good enough when one feels blue. since i feel blue today, the film was kind of enjoyable (don't ask me why i feel depressed, i don't bloody know! this morning i felt delighted to be able to read another great post on hewlett's blog and now, i just feel i'll have to wait so long to read another one... my departure for Scotland gets nearer every day and it might be another reason for my mood...). anyway, i'll just give a little review of the film.

the film stars Majandra Delfino (who played Maria in 'Roswell') and Nicholas Brendon (Alexandre in 'Buffy'): 2 actors from tv, the film could not be that wonderful, but as i said, it was agreeable to watch. the story is that of a Maine girl who decides to move to NY and begin a career as a journalist. of course, nothing goes the way she had expected and she had to compromise. she meets that cute guy (Ethan Embry) who is her neighbour and who she thinks is gay. but her career is more important than her interest in the guy, so she begins dating her boss to have him read her papers. the boss is a moron, and he cheats on her with the lead journalist of the newspaper. in the end, all is well and she eventually dates the really cute and nice guy instead.

at the same time on TF1 a film starring Chris Judge was broadcast (i'm watching the end of it, but it's too melodramatic for me). nice to see him out of SG1 [now, i'll have no choice, since they cancelled the series. what a stupid idea they had!! those are real morons!!]. he's kinda sexy in fact, i had never quite paid attention... maybe it's because in the movie he had a little beard... and he did not speak like Teal'c saying "yes, indeed" all the time... well, anyway, it's good to see a bit more of him. i'm beginning to think France is definitely not a good place for tv and cinema addicts... but it's still the best place in the world (especially Savoie!) ;-) thank god we have the internet and all its resources... miam miam!!

dimanche 27 août 2006

Adeline au Canada


une amie à moi est partie étudiée pour un an au canada, alors elle a fait un blog pour pouvoir donner des news (tiens, ça me rappelle quelque chose ça!) et donc, voilà je vous ai ajouté le lien dans la barre là ---->

elle est géniale ma petite Dod! m'a trop fait rire son premier post...
là, je vous ai mis la première photo du blog!

Vincent Delerm - nouvel album

juste un petit post avant d'aller me coucher (et oui, il est quand même 1h du mat')... le nouvel album de Delerm sort le 25 septembre, son titre 'les piqûres d'araignée'. il a été enregistré en Suède...

sur le site de Tôt ou Tard, quelques morceaux sont disponibles pour se faire une idée... vous pouvez y aller directement en cliquant ICI! j'espère que ça vous plaira!

gros bisous à tous et bonne nuit! ;-)

samedi 26 août 2006

Common Ground (SGA)

i loved the episode!! i can't believe it since McKay and Beckett only appear a few times but it's true...

first, i love the new suits! they should have got black suits from the start! it makes all the characters seem more serious and better looking! i really enjoy watching Paul's eyes when he's wearing dark clothes... and Rodney is sooo cute in black too!! anyway, i stop now with the excitement over that.

what i really enjoyed was the first dialogues between Sheppard and his fellow prisoner, just before we know who the guy really is. it's the kind of episodes that make one love the Wraith (except for female Wraith, of course, who never stop frightening me!). the other scene i particularly enjoyed was the warehouse scene when Rodney fires at a mouse. hilarious! every episode makes me a greater fan of Hewlett (even though Nothing did a better job at that than any SGA episode). Rodney with a gun is always fantastic! this is not true of Carson who looks definitely pathetic (sorry, i love Carson but he's nothing compared to Rodrod!)

as far as visual effects are concerned, i really like the way FX guys made Sheppard look older. i wonder if they used the same techniques as were used in the XFiles (you know, the episode where they're trapped in a ship and the water is poisoned and they get older every minute... in French the title was 'Vaisseau Fantome'... i'll try to find the English title when i get a moment)... strangely, i think Sheppard is cuter with grey hair (Flo la gérontophile a encore frappé!).

the end was obvious from the beginning but the episode had to end somehow, right? better that kind of ending than another... now we'll have to wait 2 weeks before another episode is broadcast and some episode it'll be!

vendredi 25 août 2006

Vidéo de Virus quand il était encore tout petit...

j'ai retrouvé cette petite vidéo sur mon ordi alors la voilà... il est pas trop chou mon ptit bébé?


mercredi 23 août 2006

Into the Heart of Darkness (The Dead Zone)

already the title is promising and the episode is just beyond one's expectations!! i'm still overexcited by it, really... that's the kind of episodes i like best, those that come in the 'Anthology' of a series. here the relationship between Walt and Johnny is developed and some development it is!! i really enjoyed watching it and wondering about the possible endings of the story... the end is not surprising and largely inspired by 'Seven' but it rocks!!
Looking forward to the finale on sunday!!!

photos de Pitsea!!

regardez moi ces deux photos que cindy m'a envoyé ce matin... Flo avec un chat!!

heureusement que y'a le chat pour sauver la photo quand même... ;-)
allez, j'arrête avec les photos de moi-même... va vite falloir que j'envoie un nouveau post pour pas avoir cette tronche de cake à chaque fois que je me connecte... ;-)

Voilà une ptite photo de Robbie pour que vous le voyiez mieux:

mardi 22 août 2006

Encore une dêche, une!

comme vous le savez sûrement, mon surnom c'est Gaston LaGaffe! et ben, en voilà la preuve...
aujourd'hui, j'étais au boulot, tranquillou et hop! ruiz, le prof de civi débarque au magasin et fait des courses... jusque là rien de palpitant me direz-vous, attendez donc la suite... ;-)

la surprise de le voir là me pousse à partager l'information avec ma mère... regrettable erreur! elle, curieuse comme pas deux, se retient autant que possible mais finit par craquer et fonce le voir pour lui demander s'il est prof à la fac!! style "oui, ma fille croit que vous êtes son prof, mais elle est pas sûre, alors je viens voir"... LA HONTE TOTALE!!

et hop! elle me demande d'aller lui dire bonjour!! et ben, lui forcément, il m'a pas replacée mais il est tout chou et essaie de faire la conversation... bien sympa ce prof, dommage que je sois en écosse cette année, j'aimais bien ses cours...

C'était l'épisode palpitant de cette journée!

lundi 21 août 2006

Vortex (The Dead Zone)

just watched the episode and it was fantastic!! really, i mean it... i love this show so much! it's a real pity each season only has 11 episodes... great episode and great cast too! even JR Bourne who played Martouf in SG1 was there!! he played a kind of guru that thought he was the new prophet! :-) the thing is he wanted to kill every one; this obviously Smith could not let happen...

what is interesting in this episode is that everything is told in retrospect thanks to a kind of trial. Greg Stillson is questioning Johnny about an explosion... So, you already had Anthony Michael Hall and JR Bourne, but you also have Sean Patrick Flanery... What a trio!!!

The Real World (SGA)

i just watched this one and even though i'm not a fan of Dr Weir, i think the episode is worth watching. it's even better than the previous one...

it was fantastic to see O'Neill again and Richard Dean Anderson did a great job as usual! besides, my favourite quote from the episode is one of his : "I don't mind being fantasized about, occasionally...". every time he appeared i could not help smiling! strange because i don't fancy him at all! (i was a huge fan at the time of "McGuyver" but in SG1 Daniel Jackson got my favours instead! lol)

i was happy too, to see Beckett with his red suit! And the dialogue between McKay and Beckett was hilarious once more! they're just gorgeous together!! (when will ADB be released?!? can't wait!!)

Back from Italy...

just a few words this morning to say i'm back again and with my sister! so, i'll have less access to the computer now, i suppose... ;-) but i'll try to come often anyway! i didn't post anything yesterday because we came late in the afternoon and i had some work to do. but now, she's asleep, so i can tell you a bit of my journey to Italy.

we got up at 8 and we arrived in Aoste at 11. there we had to wait for my sister to take off and jump out of the plane. Yes, you've heard me well enough! she had her first jump with a parachute!! waiting was very long, especially since i was quite hungry by 1PM when finally she landed safe and sound. we went to her hotel and had lunch. then, we greeted her colleagues and finally departed around 4PM... Guillaume, her boyfriend, and herself drove in his little Clio till after the Mont Blanc Tunnel (so that he would not be alone all the way home). We joined them later there and we had an ice cream (Magnum!! yummy).

The funny thing comes now... Sandrine who's always very thoughtful forgot the keys to Guillaume's car in it and we had to break into his car to allow him to get the keys and go home!! everybody in the gas station stared at us, it was hilarious!! then, we went our way and he went his. we got home around 7PM. That was my day! Not very interesting, i admit but it was a good day...

Since Sandrine will be off this afternoon, i'll probably watch the two episode of The Dead Zone i missed when in England and so put a review of these online later... in the meantime, have a nice day!

samedi 19 août 2006

Laura Cadman in "Crossing Jordan"

just a little post to say how gladly astonished i was when i saw Jaime Ray Newman (Laura Cadman in 'Duet' SGA) playing in "Crossing Jordan" (Preuve à l'appui) tonight! it was in episode 'Code of Ethics' and her role was that of Cpt Gwen Osbourne...

This woman is so pretty, it's just depressing! ;-) i'm sure you all agree with me, uh? i checked her career on imdb.com and what was my surprise when i realised i had seen her in 'Medium' as well (episode 'A Changed Man', season 2 episode 14) (i definitely should watch this one again...)

Not a very important post but, hey, i'm the master here!! and i'm very glad to let you know!! ;-D

Good night, then... (Tomorrow, i'm leaving early to go and pick up my sister in italy!!)


i drew this before departing to England and i thought you'd like to see it... i'm not too fan of Joe Flanigan even though he's very cute. But i think he has the most beautiful dissymetrical face! it was a real pleasure to draw it, though... Hope you'll like it!


jeudi 17 août 2006

Progeny (SGA)

OK, i'm not totally satisfied after watching this one. the story is just too much of a déjà-vu. Rodney is as usual great even though he doesn't seem at his best. Some good dialogues with Sheppard though. i laughed a few times but not much; the moral dimension of war and the treason theme is just not my cup of tea.

i was quite happy when Weir gets her butt kicked in the end. i think that Weir and Beckett are just the limpest members of the whole Atlantis team! Maybe throwing them offworld to some Wraith infested planet would do them some good! ;-)

no Paul in this episode but i'm not too sad about it; i like him very much but i prefer seeing 30seconds of pure McKay than 2min of Beckett.

That's all for tonight. hope friday will bring some high standard episode... can't wait to see 'McKay and Mrs Miller' (I know, it's not this week's episode! i'm not that idiot!!)...

BACK from England!

hello every you!!

as you see, i'm back and ready to brodcast again here! the week and a half we (Cindy and i) spent in England was great! just feels strange to hear people speak English all day long (too hard to concentrate that long! ;-) ) that was so fantastic that i still have problems getting used to driving on the right again! :-)

Anyway... i hope you've noticed that i had added a new link in the "link" bar ---->
If you hadn't, well check it right now. it's David Hewlett's blog. for the moment, there's only one post but maybe we'll get more soon.

i'm SSSSOOOOO sad HOrrid is David Hewlett.. :-( the idea of a century-old grandpa surfing on the internet to give fans updates about ADB was just so wonderful. i'm so disappointed!! i don't think i'll ever post on DH's blog because it doesn't feel as reassuring as when i thought HOrrid was just an anonymous blogger... sorry, Dave!

OK, i'm off now... i have still "Progeny" (SGA) and two The Dead Zone episodes to watch... can't waste much time!

*hugs to you all*

vendredi 4 août 2006

David Hewlett's Profile

i just watched the profile on YouTube and Dave is such a great performer. he is fantastic, really! the thing is, when i feel blue, my subconscious only thinks of David Hewlett. I dream of him making jokes and him being the nice guy he seems to be... it seems his humour, his kindnees and his generosity are just what i need sometimes.. he must be such a wonderful friend!

Please, if you don't know him, take some time to check the videos on You Tube. i'm sure you'll get hooked!


No big news today.
just overcoming some of the despair i've been feeling recently and trying to pack for the holiday in Pitsea. I'm just pathetic! almost 22 years old and can't pack on my own! What to take, what to leave, what not to forget... it's worse than Hamlet's "to be or not to be"! ;-) And when i think that in a month or so, i'll have to pack again for Scotland, i'm really freaking out! Packing things for a whole year!! wow!

Anyway, i'll be off Sunday! it's so wonderful! Can't wait to go and see England! Hope we'll have some sun too. Rain is just great to sleep all day, but to visit a foreign country a bit of sun would be welcome!

mercredi 2 août 2006

Friday @ 2:30PM (France)

If you can take a minute that day, stop and think of all the accidents that happen stupidly every minute of the day and every day in the year. Yesterday, i got the terrible news that a baby girl i used to babysit till July had drowned. it was a typical accident: she managed to escape her grandparents' view for a minute and fell in a pond.

I feel terrible since then. I couldn't sleep last night and woke up very early this morning. I've spent one of the weirdest days in my life; it was as if the world had stopped moving and i was longing for someone to tell me this was a nightmare, that i could wake up and that all would be fine again.

The baby girl's name was Segolène and she was the cutest baby i've ever seen. She was also very sociable and never cried when seeing a new face (at least not mine, anyway). Every minute today, i thought of her, how i had given her her biberons when she had just been born and how she had grown in 19 months. i just wish i could gently push her hair from her face one more time and see her little smile. Her family moved in to Paris and we all had to part. The last time i saw her, i helped her sit down in her pushchair. It was raining.

Her funerals will occur Friday 4th in Paris at 2:30 PM.

Symmetry (The Dead Zone)

i just watched the latest episode of "The Dead Zone", called "Symmetry". The story was quite good, even though i couldn't really identify with the issue raised by it. The thing i liked however was the "vision loop". seeing different aspects of a problem is always the most effective way to solve it. here the expression is taken literally and you get into each character.

there are also some funny moments, mainly thanks to John L. Adams and his hilarious part as Johnny's subconscious... i really like the series because it's very visual and plots are always interesting to follow. in this one, you need some time to adapt to the changing points of view. but it is always a puzzle to decipher and once you get all the pieces, it's like magic and you're so in the story that you can't realise the 42min have already elapsed!

it's such a pity that each season only has 11 episodes. but fortunately, i'll be able to watch this season entirely before i leave for Scotland, which will not be the case for SGA, Nip-Tuck or Desperate Housewives. No worry though, i'll find a way to see them out there... ;-)

Another good news: HOrrid is making a new blog and know what? About David Hewlett... Can't wait to see it! the blog is not online yet, but i hope it'll be soon. When it is, just click here to reach it... ;-)


The only good news this bloody has yet provided is that my liver is OK, well, at least for now! I just checked that this morning with an ultrasound. The thing hurts! i thought the machine would effectively go right to my liver! Personal note: Flo, please, remember not to have babies or you'll have to go there again!

Maybe, you don't actually know while my liver should be damaged. I'll explain then! Recently the doctor who checks the health of my thyroid thought that my exhaustion might be triggered by something different from the thyroid. So, obviously, she sent me to another doc to check if there was anything wrong with me, again... And there i am! I do not only produce antibodies against my thyroid but also against my liver!! isn't it great? the concept of my body trying to destroy itself is just thrilling! ;-) So you're now checking if they have any effect on it... The ultrasound doc told me my liver was just fine. So, nothing to worry about until i get another blood test! woohoo!

So, now you know the whole story. isn't it great? not that much, but well, it's all i've got for you this morning! ;-)

mardi 1 août 2006


OK, this is just some news of my day. I went to the eye doctor and know what? I'm getting more short-sighted! i'll change the glasses on Thursday. But this is not the real interest of the story, even though i'm sure you're all excited about it! The thing is the doctor is so yummy! I know you think I'm desperate and maybe even mental... OK, i might! But just hear the description of THE doctor!

Imagine Alan Rickman (sure you can figure out who that is... OK, sexy Snape in the HP series! That does ring a bell, uh?). So, imagine him. But about 10 years younger and give him Carson Beckett's body and clothes. You can see it's getting better with every word, uh? And now, the icing on the cake : he's funny! yes, exactly, he jokes a lot... And quite good jokes, not the usual humour doctors have which no one can understand and that always have them in stitches...

OK, i'm always very glad to go to the eye doctor, you can guess that... ;-)

Some more teasing for you, Cindy!


I've forgotten something about "Irresistible"... Cindy, please, take note: when we'll watch the episode Sunday, hopefully; remember to focus a lot when Lucius comes to the infirmary. Imagine Carson instead of Lucius! And when you get to that point, just try to remember our fanfic and the moment when Carson is in the infirmary and Rodrod comes to visit him... "Tea. Coffee" etc Then, I want you to admit I'm just the perfect female copy of McKay (OK, except for the genius and the arrogance)...

Remember that! If you don't, I'll remind you! Don't worry!! ;-)

New Interview of David Hewlett!!

Hello guys!

I'll make shorter posts because i realise i'm just too boring and too talkative!
So here's a link to the new interview of David Hewlett on The Gateroom...

Dave (I'll say Dave, because of "Nothing" and because David refers to David Nykl, who plays Radek Zelenka in SGA) talks about "A Dog's Breakfast" but also about the new season of SGA (the 3rd one, i mean) and his lovely sister Kate!