En gros ce qui se passe dans ma petite vie. Pas super passionnant, mais si vous voulez vous plaindre, dites le à Ptit Nico, c'est lui qui m'a dit que ce serait bien un blog quand je serai en Ecosse... ;-)

lundi 31 juillet 2006

See Grace Fly Review

Hello everybody! OK, hello you lonely traveler that got lost in here!

Today's post will only consist of a little review of the film... But who knows? When i begin talking, i might not be able to stop. I'm sure you've already noticed!
I think the film is worth watching, at least once. I'm not too keen on such films because, usually, i get very depressed after watching them even though they happen to have a happy ending. The feel-good factor, our beloved Mr Griffiths talked about, does not unfortunately reach me...

Now, let's begin the review! The actors are just great. Paul is excellent, but i didn't get quite interested in his character though... Gina Chiarelli gave such a great performance that anyone else's was forgotten. She gave such truth to the character, i was stunned. I could easily sympathise with Grace and understand her a little. It was also good to see known faces too; Benjamin Ratner who you might have seen in SG1 and recently in The Dead Zone (episode 6, season 5 "Lotto Fever"), and also Megan Leitch who played Fox Mulder's sister in The X-Files... Strangely enough, the character that i got the most interested in was Father James, played by Tom Scholte. Don't ask me why! I don't even know myself! But he did a great job too!

After all the actor-thing, let's move on to the story in general. I got a little lost in it, surely because i have no understanding of religious matter. I've had a religious education to please my parents, obviously! But as far as i'm concerned, God is only a character someone make up a long time ago. The thing is i cannot believe in a god that would let wars happen, that would accept evil to reign and innocent children to get hurt (I speak from experience here, but no, i won't tell a thing!). The thing that bothers me most about religion and that omnipotent and benevolent god is that if he was that good, why would his creatures (as we humans are usually called) be that nasty. Really! If god make man according to his image, then maybe we should reconsider his kindness, don't you think?

Anyway, I won't write an encyclopedia about that, so i'll go back to the subject of this post. The religious aspect of the story didn't reach me but what really fascinated me was the relationship between Grace and her brother Dominic. The relationship is very complex and at the same time very simple. It has a love-and-protect pattern. Grace protected Dominic as a child and now, it's his turn to protect her. Dominic eventually gets to share the belief of his sister and they are reunited. I think this is the real interest of the movie.

Sibling relationships are always conflicting but what matters is that when matters get out of control and threaten one, the other flies to help. I personally always had difficulties understanding my little sister. But what i can tell and which is well depicted here, is that extreme crises bind siblings together. There are scenes the use of which is still a mystery to me but the film really moved me when nearing the end, the misunderstandings of the two characters get solved.

Schizophrenia is treated seriously and the performance of Gina Chiarelli is pure gold. "Madness" is the worst fear I have and always had. The thing is some scenes reminded me painfully of periods in my life where help was needed but never found. Hopefully, things are improving and fears are sloxly going away. It's useful nevertheless to remember... The film is very helpful in the way it has to give humanity to the disease.

It's a pity such a good film hasn't reached audience enough to have it released in DVD. Still hope it will, in the end.

I give you the link to the official website. Hope you'll enjoy the flight! http://www.seegracefly.com/index2.html

dimanche 30 juillet 2006

Dernier post pour aujourd'hui

Alors je conclus aujourd'hui par ce petit post:
On pourra fêter la victoire de Schumi ce soir, en plus de cette nouvelle année qui commence!! J'espère que j'arriverai à tenir mon petit verre de champagne, quand même...

Au fait, les amis, si vous voulez laisser des commentaires ou faire des propositions (même du style: "Flo, t'es gentille mais calme toi un peu avec tes commentaires sur les photos de ces deux gars trop vieux et laids! On sait que t'es une gérontophile finie mais quand même... Sors un peu! Y doit bien y avoir des jeunes de ton âge, pas trop mal foutus..."), HESITEZ PAS! J'accepte les messages en English, Français, Portugais, Italien... Allemand? OK, je ferai un effort pour les remarques en allemand...

Pour finir, juste un petit mot sur l'actualité. I've heard today that bombings were killing more and more people in Lebanon. It really disgusts me to think people are still murdering one another for no understandable reason. With all the history our planet already has on wars of all kind, we should know better. I cannot understand how killing civilians can be any good for another nation. Really... I must be completely insane not to grasp such concepts, but if being sane means understanding such horrors, i'd definitely rather be nuts for good than accept that. Sorry to put some sadness to my usually delusional and hysterical posts.

I think i need to have some way to release the tension our environment puts on us and if, for that purpose, i appear to be the most ridiculous fangirl, i'm proud of it. I've read some posts on other blogs that asserted fangirls were a nuisance for blogs such as "A Dog's Breakfast"'s; I'm very glad to be a fangirl because at least, my heart is unstained by hatred or rage and i believe i'm a very tolerant person. If people can get to dislike other people for their 'fangirl-ish' behaviour, no wonder there are still wars out there... Thank you for reading! I'll try to get to my usual over-excited mood again as soon as possible (let's hope the despair of today will soon be overcome!)

Quelques nouvelles photos de ADB!

Je me baladais sur la toile et je suis tombée sur quelques nouvelles images... je suis sûre qu'elles vont vous plaire! en tout cas, moi, elles m'ont vachement plu! mais je ne suis pas totalement objective, il paraît! Donc je les mets là, au cas où vous les auriez pas encore vues!

J'adore la bouille de David sur celle-ci... C'est Mars qui va être content d'avoir une toute nouvelle gamelle! Mars c'est le chien, bien sûr!

Paul avec les cheveux blonds, ça fait peur, je vous l'accorde... Mais bon, faut faire avec! Par contre, j'adore le pingouin derrière!! Trop cool la déco de ce film!

Voilà, dans le dernier numéro du mag officiel de Stargate, y'avait ce petit article. J'espère que vous arrivez à lire... J'adore la dernière phrase et je partage l'enthousiasme de l'auteur!

Par contre, le truc qui me fait totalement flipé c'est la phrase: "an agoraphobic stay-at-home recluse who thinks he's committed murder". Là, horreur!

Vous voyez pas comme une personne qui pourrait rentrer dans la description du perso là? Un indice: vous êtes sur son blog en ce moment même... Vous avez trouvé? No? Dis donc, zètes pas des lumières, vous! En tout cas, vous comprenez pourquoi la Flo elle flipe à mort d'un coup et pourquoi elle a gardé ce truc qu'elle a piqué sur le net!

Hum... Vivement le film!!

Dernières cap...

Plus je mets des caps et plus ça met du temps à charger, alors je fais un dernier post pour être sûre de les mettre toutes...

"It's alright, son..." Hum, how i'd like to be Sheppard at that very moment... with Carson whispering kind words to me! Didn't i say i was nuts? You shouldn't be that surprised then!!This is part of a terrific scene with David, Paul and Richard Kind... i loved it! Especially when Richard Kind says "Boys! Stop fighting..." And for once, it's not Rodney that shows off but Carson! Wow!! And 1-0 for Carson!!
Paul bound hand and foot... Doesn't it give you any idea? No... NO?!? Really, no idea, at all? Maybe you should go... You must have lost yourself in here! No, kidding, stay a little longer... I'm sure, you'll have plenty of ideas with all those pictures!!Flo, please, take note: Don't forget to ask any Scottish people you'll met during your stay there to say "rubbish"! Why, you'll ask? BECAUSE!! You should re-hear Paul saying it, I'd understand why!!
Come here, luv... I'll give you a hug! Honestly... That's the kind of stuff, i loved in "Irresistible": Carson's biggest flaws look so ridiculous here that you forgive him! this kind of scene couldn't have appeared in "Poisoning the well", even though Carson got desperate... I sound a bit heartless, i know, but just as Sheppard tells him here "Be a man, Carson!!". That's why i love Rodney more than Beckett; McKay is always whining but when it comes to his work, he feels he's just the best in any field. Carson does the best medicine but always feels guilty! Sometimes i'd like someone to shake him a bit, just to be sure he won't fall asleep! Often, Carson is pathetic, really pathetic. You either feel compassion or you want to shake him. But here, Carson is ridiculously pathetic, which is soooo much fun! And you can only laugh... Great job, writers! You just know how to release the tension!!Last one... For those who haven't seen the episode, i won't report what Sheppard tells them just before that but, it made me laugh out loud! OK, i'll stop here because my giggling is preventing me from writing... ;-)

Encore des captures!

This time, let's focus on Paul... Just this sentence can send shivers through any woman's spine, uh? Prepare your pacemakers, ladies: here he comes!

Look at the dimple... i really love it!

Lovely smile! Why doesn't Paul make some ads for Colgate? He would be just perfect for it, wouldn't he?

I chose this one, not because of Paul's gorgeous body (well, it is gorgeous, but anyway...) but because of the impression it gives. I think the episode is just great in the way it makes all the people look like children. Boyish Carson is just great! I could forgive him anything... Adult Carson is not so exciting a notion: always whining (a bit like Rodney!), thinking everything is his fault... Here, we have Carson at his best: cute, funny and for once, not to worried about rules and moral issues! A real treat!!

That's one of the faces, Paul made! Like it so much... Paul's face is just the kind of face that can express any emotion... Love, surprise, whim, irony even! And still that fascinating dimple... Can't focus when it appears!

Speaking of which... I literally melted with this one!! A hug, maybe, would calm me? No, definitely not... Is it the heatwave or Paul that makes me say things like that?

Captures d'écran de l'épisode... je mets les commentaires avec!

Let's begin with a David Hewlett wave... Isn't he just cute? Look at that face! on lui donnerait le monde sans confession (sorry, mates, can't find the expression in English!)

This one is for Cindy... The two Davids! Hum... last one of the DH wave (take a look at Joe Flanigan, he's excellent in the episode!):

Now, one of David Nykl... Love that Czech guy! Such a cute accent! (OK, i love Carson's too... but variety is just sooooo good!)

samedi 29 juillet 2006

Irresistible (SGA)

The "Duet" of the third season! OK, i agree with that, except that Duet was greater! Sorry for those who disagree... Richard Kind is definitely irresistible in it and no need of any potion for that! i loved him the moment he got on the screen; he is just hilarious and quite sexy in his own way...

What i loved in the episode? well, Paul's acting! It was wonderful, really! so many faces he made!! i was laughing all the time! He is so fantastic! he really has a feeling for comedy...

What i preferred though, was the moment Rodney gets hooked... So cute to see Rodney smile, a genuine smile for once! We haven't seen McKay smile a lot and most of the time it's a fake smile. But at that precise moment, well, WOW!! If only he could smile that way oftener!!


A bit desperate, isn't it? Well, after that smile, it couldn't be otherwise... Physically, i think Paul is the cutest guy there is; but when David puts on that smile, i melt! Anyway, i'll try to be brief now (time to go to bed!): the episode is GREAT! i give you my new top 3 SGA episodes: 1/ Duet (of course, what else?), 2/ Letters from Pegasus and 3/ Irresistible... Quite balanced, uh? One in each season!

i'll probably watch it again tomorrow and make some caps to show my point... But for now, sleep tight! ;-)

New exclusive interview of Paul!

OK, let's be honest: I'm over-excited right now!! i've just read an interview of Paul, given during the shooting of episode 3 of Season 3 "Irresistible" (which hopefully i'll watch tomorrow!). The guy is just great! i laugh like a madwoman!! really! i just took care not to ridiculously giggle too loud... For my parents are downstairs and already think i'm the weirdest person on earth... Wouldn't give them any reason to lock me up in lunatic hospital! ;-)
The link to the interview on Gateworld : http://www.gateworld.net/articles/interviews/mcgillionmomoa01.shtml You can even listen to him!! A real treat!
Now, i can't wait to watch "Irresistible" and "Sateda" (even though i'm not a great fan of Ronon)... The guys know how to sell their work! They're just fantastic!

Why does the French version of Atlantis sound so unbelievable? If only our national TV channels could choose to broadcast shows in their original version, I would have been addicted to SGA long ago... Hopefully David's genius in "Duet" goes through the language barriers and saved me!! ;-)

Great News to celebrate!

A Dog's Breakfast is on the way to being released!! Can't wait to see it! Hope it'll be released in Aberdeen too!! I'm ecstatic since yesterday when i got the news and can't get down my little pink cloud for the moment!!
I've had the greatest night since a very long time; partly thanks to the rain that (at last!) got on us last evening, partly thanks to the news! i dreamt of Paul all night! It was just great... Nothing to be ashamed of, though (i know what you're all thinking! i had no improper thought!!).

Another news - not to celebrate - i paid my deposit and utility charge for the accommodation today! i won't live in the streets in September!! (you already have my address, anyway...) Question: Are the British ever going to get the Euro? The bank charges are just too high!!

Last but not least: i got my first £ today!! Cindy, i've got money now to spend in England!! One more week and we'll be preparing our bags for Pitsea (what a great name!)... Can't wait to be there!! (even though i'll miss Virus a lot!)

Weather is getting better... Can't stand that anymore! When will this bloody heatwave go away?!? Hope it'll be less hot in England... ;-)

vendredi 28 juillet 2006

Photos du film en question

Je suis sûre que vous ne savez absolument pas de quoi je parle depuis le début avec cette histoire de "A Dog's Breakfast", donc voilà, je vous explique. Vous avez peut-être déjà maté stargate atlantis et si oui, vous avez pas pu rater le génialissime Rodney McKay! Bon, ben, l'acteur si merveilleux derrière le perso c'est David Hewlett et si vous avez remarqué le craquant petit docteur écossais, l'acteur c'est Paul McGillion.

David Hewlett vient de finir un film, ADB (c'est plus rapide) et il joue dedans avec son pote Paul et sa soeur Kate (soeur de David, pas de Paul, faut suivre un peu!). Et donc, en gros, je suis telle une pile électrique dès que je suis devant mon PC parce que trop pressée que le film sorte (enfin!). Voilà, donc, je vais tous vous souler jusqu'à ce que le monde entier soit au courant de l'existence du film et passe le mot...

Pour vous donner envie d'aller voir le blog du film, voilà quelques photos promos!
Voilà, là y'a Kate, Paul et David.. ils sont pas trop canon, les gars? (oui, je suis toujours pas homo!)

Là, c'est Kate. Elle est trop mignonne, je suis sûre que les gars seront d'accord avec moi!

Et maintenant, David. Il est pas trop énorme sur cette photo?

Encore David avec mon ptit Paul au font déguisé en père Noël! Si seulement le père Noël pouvait être aussi sexy, je dormirais jamais pour le 24 décembre!



Guess what i received today... My new address!! For those who'll want to write when i'm in Scotland... i'll be living here:
Esslemont House (Room 105A)
Hillhead Halls of Residence
Don Street
Old Aberdeen
AB24 1WU
C'est pas trop la classe? YES!! Please, remember, i'm still in Chambéry for now and only be moving to Aberdeen on Septembre 16th!! i'm so excited!! As excited as i'm by the soon(?) release of "A Dog's Breakfast"... David Hewlett is such a genius!! hum...

jeudi 27 juillet 2006

"Dangerous attraction"

Today i got my hands on the DVD of the film... OK, i just bought it to have a DVD featuring Paul McGillion in it... i couldn't resist the clip i saw the other day! had to buy it from a belgien web site and imported from Holland. Of course, the only subtitles i got are Dutch but hey! here's Paul!!
And you even got a eyeful of Linden Ashby (some remaining of my teenage years, sorry! for those who don't know who he is: he played a part in "Melrose Place"...)
Ok, let's get to the point: Paul! He's fantastic as usual... and as usual only appears, well, what? 4min? yes, approximately... But some 4 min!! if some day, i get a chance to make some caps of him, i'll share, i promise!

Aujourd'hui, j'ai mis la main sur le dvd du film... d'accord, je l'ai juste acheté pour avoir un film avec Paul McGillion dedans.. j'ai pas pu résister au clip que j'ai vu l'autre jour! je l'ai acheté sur un site belge et importé de Hollande. Bien sûr, j'ai que les sous-titres en hollandais mais bon, y'a Paul!
En plus, on peut même se rincer l'oeil sur Linden Ashby (reste d'adolescence, désolée! pour ceux qui voient pas qui c'est: il jouait dans "Melrose Place"...)
Allons à l'essentiel: Paul! il est génial comme d'habitude... et comme d'habitude, il apparaît que, quoi? 4min? ouais, environ... Mais quelles 4min!! si un jour, j'arrive à faire des caps de lui, je partage, promis!


Hello everybody!
Hope you're not too disgusted with this new idea of mine... This blog thing is new to me, but hopefully i'll make it someday!!
Oh, yes, i forgot: DON'T FORGET TO VISIT "A DOG'S BREAKFAST" BLOG!! Thanks

Pour les francophiles, je traduis:
salut tout le monde!
j'espère que vous êtes pas trop dégoûtés par ma nouvelle idée... Cette histoire de blog est toute nouvelle pour moi, mais avec un peu de chance, j'y arriverai un jour!!
Amusez vous bien!
Ah, oui, j'oubliais: N'OUBLIEZ PAS DE VISITER LE BLOG DE "A Dog's Breakfast"!! Merci.